Sunday, July 11, 2010

so who wants to buy me a palace.....wink wink wink

Kamilla and I decided to take a little city break on one of our free Mondays. We were going to try and make a trip to our Jane Austen Mecca, the Chatsworth House or aka known as Pemberley. However, with a four-hour journey each way, we decided that we would save it for another day, especially because we had to be back by 7 to see Enron.

We decided to venture out to the south of London and immerse ourselves in a day of history at Hampton Court Palace, where King Henry the VIII wooed all his wives.

Honestly, after going there, I’m going to have to marry incredibly rich. Like the Louvre, I was constantly just staring at the ceiling, which was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn’t get my mind around how this was hundreds of years old, and how they possibly could make the rooms so huge.

Room after room, rooms got bigger and the paintings on the wall seemed so realistic. One of my favorite rooms was the weaponry room (I would), because the walls had intricate designs made out of guns and knives.

While the walls were lavished with paintings and golden tapestries, the rooms were very barren.

I took a picture of one of the thrones and suddenly a man yelled, “YOU HAVE COMMITTED HIGH TREASON”

Great, I had finally missed so many no photography signs that I was going to be thrown in jail.

The man approached and I started to reach out and give him my offending camera and say you can have it, just don’t take me. But, he started laughing and said it’s a crime not to bow in front of the throne. We also learned that the rooms were so empty because it was treason to sit unless told to do so by the king or queen while in their presence.

We learned from another gentleman that the tapestries were considered second in value to the queen’s jewels because they were made with golden thread. The people who made the tapestries would usually go blind from the amount of intricate details that had to be made for a tapestry that would be as big as the wall.

My favorite place in Hampton Court Palace was the gardens. They were absolutely breath taking and there were about 10 different ones to choose from. There was rose gardens, hedges, a maze, shaped trees, and every color flower imaginable.

Kamilla and I got to relax under the trees and wonder what it would be like in the time of the Tudors.

Also my favorite ceiling was in the chapel, and to my discontent....I obeyed the no picture sign. The ceiling was a dark navy blue, with little gold stars everywhere. I hope I can do this in my own home one day.

After walking around all day, Kamilla and I decided that food was necessary and became stuck in a hard choice between tea and scones or…the stew that we had been smelling all day.

As soon as we smelled the stew again in the little cafĂ© area, we really had no choice. I can’t even describe how delectable and spicy it was. After a long day of walking, it just made you feel warm and full.

We made our trip back and went to Enron that night. It was not my favorite play. I’ve noticed a lot that in London it’s ok to talk about 9/11 and joke about it. It creeped me out a little too much and I was not a big fan of all the American stereotypes thrown around. It just wasn’t my style of musical; it also would have helped if I knew something about stocks…

Really though, I want to make my future house beautiful like Hampton Court Palace.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bath and Stonehenge

Current state: depressed over the US lost to Ghana...sigh
So I thought I would catch you all up on a couple blog posts!!

A couple weeks, the journalism school took us on a trip to Stonhenge and Bath.

Stonehenge- we were driving for at least an hour and a half, when we finally saw the mysterious rocks. However I was really confused. The Druid rocks were basically in the middle of the interstate. Almost like a historical truck stop to be exact. Althou
gh Stonehenge was mysterious and an important historical landmark- we couldn't really get very close to it. I also didn't realize that there was also important rocks that were around the rock structure.

We had a lot of fun walking around though. Beyond the roads and traffic, there was fields the color of the most vibrant yellows and greens I have ever seen. There was also a million sheep running around every where. For some of us- that became the greatest interest.

After Stonehenge we went to Bath. I had been always very
excited to go to Bath- I can't help that my mother raised me on Jane Austen. We only had one hour before our tour of the Roman Baths, so Kamilla and I decided we needed to get to the Jane Austen Tourism Centre.

Before that though we stopped in this tiny little ice cream shop. I decided to take a pretty big risk. Try clotted cream ice cream. Turned out to be one of the best decisions ever. I wish they had it in the states because it is soooooooooo delicious. It's kind of like vanilla ice cream, but with a richer taste and a little sweeter. I absolutely loved it.

After our ice cream treat, we walked down the cobble stone streets and found the jane austen centre. I was very lucky to get my Colin Firth fix :) We learned about Austen's life and saw historical dress of the time. I even learned the art of flirting with a fan.

Lastly we went to the Roman Baths. I still can't believe how much history was preserved. It was absolutely unbelievable. I loved that the hot baths still act as a natural hot tub. The exhibit was set up in a hard way to really get a feeling for all the history and wasn't well organized. However, I really want to read a book about how it survived.

There was also a man dressed up as a high priestess walking around, but it was more weird than offering any historical value.... especially when he would just stare at the water for like 15 minutes and then walk to a new spot and stare again...harsh job.

I really enjoyed my time in Bath and hope that I have time for a longer visit next time!

Friday, June 11, 2010

content football fan

Current state: another pint of ben jerrys....this is not a good trend... roasted some veggies in some olive oil, butter, and italian seasoning. Such a great snack. Love having a kitchen.

Also World Cup began today. I officially feel like I'm home again. We went to a pretty classy pub and watched France vs. Uruguay and though it wasn't a madhouse, football was on everywhere.

I put 10 pounds on the US beating England and I really have a strong feeling that they will.
The bookies started laughing at us and saying that I've had americans all day coming in. I don't blame them the odds are good to bet on, so when we win I might be making some money :)

Internship is amazing and love every minute of it. I'm very very very happy. Happiest I've been this entire trip. Stephen and I are working on finding good deals on football scarves and flags.

Another update: heading to my Dunphy roots and spending next weekend in Dublin. very exciting.

I'm catching up on my posts. Promise I will be writing about my trip to hampton court and tomorrows trip to leeds, as well as US. vs England....but for now

USA USA USA USA USA USA!!!!! (since i won't be able to do that at a pub tomorrow)

Monday, June 7, 2010

5 feet from Mr.Big....Literally

Current state: once again dreary rainy london night. Ate an entire tub of ben and jerry's cookie dough ice cream yesterday and felt too sick about self to write. Feeling much better after an entire day of walking.

Figured I should probably catch up on some of my london stories!

I didn't think that it could be 5:00 any slower. I had be
en watching the clock since 4 and was impatient to be able to pack up my things and run as fast as was professionally acceptable and capable in heels.

As soon as the digital clock switched to 5:00, I was out of my office on the tube to leichester square. We had heard that the Sex and the City 2 premier was starting at 5:30 and we were going to attempt to crash it last minute for a glimpse of the stars.

I was literally 5 feet from Mr. Big. I was also 5 feet from Samantha and Charlotte. Unfortunately I missed Sarah Jessica Parker, but it was lots of fun. I think the pics speak for themselves on this experience.

Somehow I managed to squeeze to the second row. Don't ask me how, I guess luck was just on my side. No autographs, but I got my paparazzi pictures!
It was crowded, but I thought that it would be a lot lot lot worse, since we showed up 15 minutes after the start. I think a lot of people weren't informed which definitely helped us. We had done some very in depth and intense research for operation crash premier to make sure that it would be successful. Mj, Amanda and I had a blast and will always remember rushing from the tube just in time to see Mr.Big :) We're loving London movie premiers and definitely going to try and hit up another one. Absolutely smashing

Saturday, June 5, 2010

An American in Paris


Please forgive lateness

current state: Much better! Sitting and relaxing in an empty flat. Raining outside and listening to pride and prejudice soundtrack. Decided that it was much needed to update blog a couple times!

My mom has always told me about trips to Paris since always,
I've never had the chance to go to the enchanted city until last weekend. She told me about how beautiful it was, the flavorful food and the interesting people that I would meet. History is a very important apart of Paris. I loved that the city was mixed between the legendary history and the modern architecture.

4 Am- WIDE AWAKE. So excited for getting to the bus stop for our
trip that I couldn't sleep anymore. Went to the tube station extra early before everyon
e else to make sure that I could put money on my oyster card!

5:45 AM- we found our bus stop

6 AM- we board our coach bus for the 9 hour journey

6:05 AM- meet tour guide- and's fabio's british twin. Officially nicknam
ed for the rest of the trip. Unfortunately no picture. But still he looked exactly like fabio
, too bad he wasn't as cool.

5 PM- arrive in Paris. realized never again will I take a coach and ferry to Paris- way too long.
First thing- Chrissy, Melissa and I walked to find an ATM. Within the first 5 minutes, french man walks by us and makes multiple air kisses at us. Will eventually learn French boys way different than the reserved British.

Can't remember timing after all this. We went on a panoramic tour of the city on the bus again and then ended at the Eiffel Tower. It was more gorgeous and better than any picture I've ever seen. There are the smallest details that just make it unique. I absolutely loved it.

Melissa, Amanda, Chrissy and I waited under the Eiffel Tower for my cousin Sean to give us the
real side of Paris tour. Honestly- Sean made the trip. He took us everywhere where the to
ur could not. We got in the cab- I learned that it's almost impossible to get a cab that will take let alone 4 people. The best part was when two french boys tried to bargain with Sean to let them get in the car with us.

We went to a small little crepe restaurant. We had ham and cheese crepes, amazing cider that warmed you from head to toe, and then the best dessert crepes EVER. After that he took us walking everywhere around Paris. It was dark, but we walked along the river by Notre Dame and then proceeded to see it all lit up. It was amazing. There were all these cute little boats along the river just chilling and playing music and had strings of quiet florescent lights. Not
going to lie- wished Ryan was with me.

Probably one of my favorite parts was we crossed this bridge, and there were a bunch of little tiny cafes with people just chilling and having coffee and in the backgrou
nd a man was playing french music on an accordion. I don't know how you get any more real paris than that.

Sean spoiled us rotten with real Paris. We went into this awesome book shop he took us into. It was all oversized books- most likely for your coffee table- on any topic that you can imagine. I fell in love with one with all the blue prints for the Eiffel Tower- but I knew there was no way
getting that through security and on a plane. I saved it for a next trip.

Paris is a lot more alive on the weekend than London. People roam the streets everywhere and it was like the city became one big party. We went into this small little pub and had a round of drinks to celebrate getting to Paris in one piece. Sean made sure we got into a cab and home safely. He was the best tour guide- and really I'm going to have to convince my mom to send me to Paris for an extended stay.


8 AM: Wake up time and out the door by 9. Fabio took us to all the sites around Paris for the morning. We went to sacre coeur and moulin rouge and ended a
t notre dame.

Sacre Couer was absolutely breathtaking. After walking up a bagillion steps you turn around and see the entire Paris city view- with the exception of the eiffel tower. I couldn't believe how beautiful and indescribable emotions came over me.
We were also warned that men would try and tie bracelets on our hands when walking up and then make you pay for them. Lesa and I were ready to take somebody down by the time we got there. There were only 4 guys and we gave them a look and they didn't even try to mess with me. ^Thanks mom for teaching me the don't mess with me look^

At the top of Sacre Couer there are a bunch of little vendors. Melissa and I made our best impulse buy of the weekend. A gigantic loaf of bread which would later be dubbed as our baby. It was some of the best and freshest bread I've had in my life. It was also bigger than my head and we just walked down the streets literally just biting off of it.
Moulin Rouge was very
touristy and we only saw the outside because its like 80 euros to go in, but it was worth it.

After we got let off at Notre Dame we went inside and explored i
t. There was so much incense, I'm positive my sister and dad would have passed out. But it was absolutely breath-takingly gorgeous. I didn't realize how beautiful churches could be until I came to europe.

After notre dame we made our way along the river and to the bastil. We ate at
a weird (as in owners) little restaurant and had pretty good sandwiches. Then we went to a special open air market where people from all around the globe were showcasing their work. I bought these really cute russian painted doll earrings.

We then went for a really long walk and was by some modern building made with a bunch of pipes. Kind of Blue-man esq. We saw a man doing a giant chalk painting. It was honestly like the chalk art in Mary Poppins and I didn't believe it was possible to make actual art out of sidewalk chalk. We went shopping in the area and then braved the Paris metro in order to make it to the arc de triumph. Let's just say that the experience made me appreciate the underground- A LOT. We got lost twice, but finally managed to ge
t there. It was also amazing. I didn't realize how BIG it was.

After that we headed back to the eiffel tower and across some river to have dinner in a little cafe. It was expensive, but I had the best steak and chocolate dessert ever. After an almost 3 hour meal- we walked out to see the eiffel tower was sparkling. It happens every hour. But, Danielle and I ran over to take a closer look. We sat there in silence and it was just the perfect moment, because we both were appreciating the beauty of it. I turned to Danielle and said
"hey danielle...guess what..."
"We're in Paris"

It finally became real that I was in Paris. That I had the most amazing food and saw the most breathtaking landmarks of history that are lucky enough to still be around. I saw the beautiful architecture, experience the French people and embraced the
language. I loved every minute of it.

A group of us went up in the eiffel tower. We could only make it to the second floor because the very top was closed- thank god. I hate heights. When we got to the top- although I was in constant fear of falling off- I looked around and realized how far we had gotten in just barely 24 hours. The lights reflected across the city as far as the horizon would allow you to see. This beat the empire state buildings view by far.


8 am start again. This morning we went to the louvre- and fabio literally pronounced it the LOUV-RRREE. boo. Anyways - we saw the big sites, Mona Lisa and the Venus Demilo. There's also a shopping mall underneath the louvre now. Not sure how I felt about being able to go to the apple store or a mcdonalds.....

We only got to spend 3 hours there - which is crazy because of how much there is to see! Danielle and I made sure to get pictures of us in front of the pyramid out front. Made me want to go read the da vinci code again.
Mona Lisa really wasn't as impressive as I thought it was going to be. There were all these huge paintings in the same room and then there's this little tiny painting with glass in front of it and 100 flashing cameras going off. It was crazy the amount of attention one small painting gets. I thought that one of the most impressive things about the Louvre -was the Louvre itself. The architecture and the ceilings were just breathtakingly amazing. I couldn't stop looking up.

We then boarded the bus and had a 10 hour trip back to London. not so happy about that, but still it was well worth it in order to get my first trip to Paris. This isn't the last time this american will be making a trip there. Paris honestly holds the key to my heart.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

London Bridge Keeps Falling just Maggie

Current state: still sick, but content.

Managed to carry 15 pounds of groceries back to flat. Miraculous.

Amanda and I made a family dinner together. By made- I mean she ended up cooking the chicken and giving pointers for next time. However, I did successfully stir fry my vegetables. Julia Child here I come.

Anyways as I'm trying to catch up my blog, I thought I would share my Tower of London experience with you.

The first thing I thought of when we entered through the gates of the Tower of London was....this is a grown up renaissance faire. I really wished Ryan and his family were with me, as we always make a necessary yearly summer visit to the "Reni"-faire. (yes-costumes and all, we're very serious lords and ladys)

It was incredibly hot and barely any shade. Unfortunately, I was still sick, but I couldn't pass up the chance of going to the tower.

Some of it was a little too cheesy and obviously mocked up for tourists. However, the names and stories literally carved into the wall by hand from previous prisoners, was very very very very creepy.

It was almost like an entire village was preserved within the wall of the tower.

But- here is where the real story begins.

We were following a small interactive play of Sir Thomas Moore....I think. Anyways, we watched Moore get conned into being labeled a traitor. oh no! Especially oh no, when they were discussing chopping his head off with an axe, instead of being drawn and quartered at least!

Thought process at the end of play:
1. Axed...that still sucks
2. They boiled his head? Nasty. My head feels weird now.
3. Man is it hot. I should prolly go sit in the shade.
4. Eww they stuck his head on a stick.... that's really nasty. I feel light headed probably should go sit but it's almost over. It's not like I'm going to pass out...
5. Black
6. This is definitely not my bed.....I mean my mattress is hard but springs should not feel like rocks
7. ......oh....still at the tower......hi everyone....

So ya, I passed out because it was just soooooooooooooo gory. That's my excuse at least. I was only out for like 5 seconds, luckily the performers finished their story before I went down. Still can't help that my pride fell a little, but I got up smiling. That's the Dunphy way- could you expect anything less?

Stephen- my knight of the day- caught me just in time so I didn't hit my head on the cobble stone..PHEW!! (see mom everythings fine!!!!) Unfortunately I didn't get to see the Queen's jewels. But Stephen also reminded me that the Tower has been here for over 900's probably going to be here for 900 more...and you will for sure be back.

Time for sleep!! Going to crash the Sex and the City Premiere tomorrow with Amanda!

Paris Countdown: 3 days

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oranges, Knickers, and Fist bumps

Current state: sick in bed.

Thus, giving me time to stop running around like a crazy person and be a better blogger.

Last week I got to check off one of the most important items on my London to-do list. I got to have high afternoon tea at the Orangery in Kensington Gardens. When I was in London three years ago with my family, it was one of my favorite places that we went.

It was the perfect day. Early morning shopping on portobello road. We met a fashion designer who was absolutely insane, but we ended up talking to her for a good half hour. We learned many things from that conversation. She let us know that she did not enjoy fat and ignorant
americans, multiple times. The new york times is not a national paper, but
a local paper. Also the most important thing that we need to get in Paris was sexy French knickers. Additionally on the plus side Parisian boys might stare at us on public transportation. Not leering, but stare at you because they appreciate you. "Alice", as we later decided to name her was one of the most colorful people I've met in London. Her shop is full of scarves, tops and jackets with literally every color you could ever imagine. Alice was a traditionally 60s girl, literally, and she kept insisting it too. She believed that you should be able to express your true personality through your clothing. Might be stopping back for a little shopping trip.

our absolutely fabulous lunch

The Orangery still has kept up it's beautiful and classy self. Kamilla, Meagan and I enjoyed having finger sandwiches, the best biscuit I ever ate in my entire life with homemade raspberry jam, and the best fruit tart I've ever had.

pouring my delicious orange tea (takes major skill)

Sitting in the middle of Kensington Gardens, the Orangery is full of life and beauty with it's historic looks from inside and out. It was one of the first times since I've be
en in London that I was completely relaxed and calm. No rush to get to a museum or an exhibit, to purchase before the store closed, to be tightly stacked together on a tube car like a game a tetris. It was just completely and utterly peaceful.

We also had a little time to explore Kensington gardens, where we stumbled upon one of the most BEAUTIFUL gardens I have ever seen. Even more beautiful than
all the colors in the fabrics of Alice's shop.

I finally got to see my favorite flower- tulips!!

I think the picture speaks for itself.

We then went exploring at the British Museum. We couldn't believe how much history was right in the heart of London. We learned about ancient rome, greece, the egyptians and so much more.

We were also a little hyper after our dessert at the Orangery as you can see...I made the biggest epic fist bump known to man kind.

Meagan also got the biggest Snookie punch to the face of all time....

As you can see.... we're having a blast in London.

Goal: Will continue to update daily even when not sick.

For now, time to rest my feet a little bit. Got a lot more running to do in order to get to everything for the last 6 weeks.

Count down: Paris is in 4 days!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Last two weeks update because I'm bad!

It's 830 AM and I'm sitting alone in the kitchen eating a very delicious orange. It's quiet, but the air is warm and crisp. I decided that I should probably catch you up on what's been happening.

Class is great- it should be a very interesting semester. I just finished my homework last night and it's not due until monday. (for some reason did not procrastinate badly)

I've been running around like crazy, I think you all would be a little worried about me if I wasn't. My internship is absolutely wonderful and I couldn't wish for anything better.

The past two weeks have gone by incredibly fast. But most important, I've booked my trip to Paris next weekend!!

Unfortunately Ireland and Rome don't look like they're going to pan out, but poor me I'm stuck in London? I think I should probably just spend an entire day in Top Shop- it's a close comparison.

So far- we haven't found a very young pub crowd. Unfortunately, I managed to catch the attention of two at least 40 year old men in one case. BLAH!

London is always just a bustle of energy and historic appreciation. While it's very crowded and tight, the beautiful building architecture and the moldings makes what could be a stuffy atmosphere very charming.

I have already been to the Natural History Museum, British Museum, Big Ben, Kensington Gardens, markets, vintage shopping and more.

Luckily the weather is heating up. It's finally going to be a balmy 75 degrees today!! Yay no more 50s!!

Tower of London and Camden markets are on the schedule today. I also will be posting my afternoon high tea adventure at the Orangery very soon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mastering the Tube

This morning I walked into the tube station made it to my interchange at Kings Cross. Then the dreaded news over the crackly intercom- Piccadilly line is shut down after Green Park....

Great. and the British accent didn't make it sound any better.

I can't get to my internship and I only have 40 minutes to get there.

I had to run across the station, get back on the other side and get on the circle line. I then had to interchange again and ask for directions to the right platform. But I made it to my train just in time! However, I learned that the circle line likes
to stop randomly throughout its course for random 5 minute spurts. After I got out of Kensington South station, I couldn't find a
ny street signs, but I asked a couple natives to point me in the direction of Harrods.

I walked into my internship an hour late....but so did other people! So it was no problemo.

Lesson of the day: Today I learned how to find my way from South Kensington, found the Grace Kelly exhibit, and also found how to get to Green Park Station! I'm mastering the Tube one day at a time!!

I'm loving my internship and enjoying learning British slang and pop culture. Also, I like talking about how the US is going to dominate England. I can't help it that last time England won the World Cup was in like 1966, and they only have about a 60% winning average. Even though I think Bob Bradley (the US coach) is completely mental for not taking Charlie Davies, I think we stand a chance. We'll have to see, but I could see there being a big upset in the office!

Plans for tomorrow:
Shopping on Oxford and maybe some window shopping on Brompton!

Antique Market on Oxford Street


Monday, May 10, 2010

Jet Lagged

Finally- in London and settled in.

After traveling for literally 24 hours straight, I arrived at our flats. They're very nice and have a beautiful floor length window, giving us a great view of part of the London scene.

We explored for a little bit. Grocery stores are crazy!! There are people running around and the brands, well, there's really nothing to compare it too
in the states. I got a few essentials and figured I will try to master the Tesco later this week. After that, we went to a quiet little Italian restaurant thanks to the J-school! We then basically went straight to bed because we couldn't move another step.


This morning we toured around the city. We got to see all the sites on the bus and got to walk around buckingham palace and watch the changing of the guard. However, I'm looking forward to spending more time and experiencing all the history London has to offer.

We then met with Anglo America and had an orientation about how to be safe in the city and about if we ruin anything in apartment we're dead.

**INTERESTING FACT: pepper spray is illegal to carry in London!**

Tonight, we went to Phantom of the Opera. My grandma still talks about how she saw it when she was in London around 20ish years ago (I think, I know that it's been a long time). It was absolutely amazing. We ended up getting 10th row seats. The singing was stunning and the set was absolutely remarkable and complex. I want to see it again!!

That's all for tonight. Internship in the morning. Let's see if I really have mastered the Tube.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Send Me on My Way

  • Finish finals (check!)
  • move out (check)
  • say final goodbye to Jen and Gwen (check)
  • picked up beautiful Kate Spade sunglasses (check)
  • last minute shopping trip (check)
  • Watch Lost in Austen (check)
  • quick pedicure so I have pretty toes for my first day at work (check)
  • call the bank (check)
  • call AT&T (check)
  • get Apple charger converter (check)
  • one last chicago hot dog (check)
  • get a European new look from my Parisian hair dresser Veronique (check)
  • visit and get spoiled by Grandma and world's best aunts (check) plus watch the dog get a dog treat stuck in his mouth hahaha (check)
  • figure out what to bring for the summer (check) with multiple changes (check)
  • pack my life into a 50 lb bag and a carry on (check) multiple ways (check)
  • packed Bridget Jone's Diary (check)
  • bought my own London diary (check)
  • watch most of the game 3 where the Hawks DOMINATED! with my awesome boyfriend....where I fell asleep from complete exhaustion. (It's ok though because he kept watching and gave me a recap) (check)
  • say goodbye to family (check)
  • say a "see you later" because we never say goodbye to my amazing best friend/boyfriend (check)
  • received goodbye text from my hilarious sis " so have fun in London. Sorry I couldn't say goodbye. Love ya! P.S. You're not gonna go to pemberley, homo." (check) I'll miss you too (check)

My bag weights 50 pounds on the dot. I'm waiting in the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. I'm officially ready for London adventures :)

Especially Arsenal vs. Fulham tomorrow at 3 (15:00 british time!)

Send Me on My Way- Rusted Root