Wednesday, May 26, 2010

London Bridge Keeps Falling just Maggie

Current state: still sick, but content.

Managed to carry 15 pounds of groceries back to flat. Miraculous.

Amanda and I made a family dinner together. By made- I mean she ended up cooking the chicken and giving pointers for next time. However, I did successfully stir fry my vegetables. Julia Child here I come.

Anyways as I'm trying to catch up my blog, I thought I would share my Tower of London experience with you.

The first thing I thought of when we entered through the gates of the Tower of London was....this is a grown up renaissance faire. I really wished Ryan and his family were with me, as we always make a necessary yearly summer visit to the "Reni"-faire. (yes-costumes and all, we're very serious lords and ladys)

It was incredibly hot and barely any shade. Unfortunately, I was still sick, but I couldn't pass up the chance of going to the tower.

Some of it was a little too cheesy and obviously mocked up for tourists. However, the names and stories literally carved into the wall by hand from previous prisoners, was very very very very creepy.

It was almost like an entire village was preserved within the wall of the tower.

But- here is where the real story begins.

We were following a small interactive play of Sir Thomas Moore....I think. Anyways, we watched Moore get conned into being labeled a traitor. oh no! Especially oh no, when they were discussing chopping his head off with an axe, instead of being drawn and quartered at least!

Thought process at the end of play:
1. Axed...that still sucks
2. They boiled his head? Nasty. My head feels weird now.
3. Man is it hot. I should prolly go sit in the shade.
4. Eww they stuck his head on a stick.... that's really nasty. I feel light headed probably should go sit but it's almost over. It's not like I'm going to pass out...
5. Black
6. This is definitely not my bed.....I mean my mattress is hard but springs should not feel like rocks
7. ......oh....still at the tower......hi everyone....

So ya, I passed out because it was just soooooooooooooo gory. That's my excuse at least. I was only out for like 5 seconds, luckily the performers finished their story before I went down. Still can't help that my pride fell a little, but I got up smiling. That's the Dunphy way- could you expect anything less?

Stephen- my knight of the day- caught me just in time so I didn't hit my head on the cobble stone..PHEW!! (see mom everythings fine!!!!) Unfortunately I didn't get to see the Queen's jewels. But Stephen also reminded me that the Tower has been here for over 900's probably going to be here for 900 more...and you will for sure be back.

Time for sleep!! Going to crash the Sex and the City Premiere tomorrow with Amanda!

Paris Countdown: 3 days

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